Actor Sanjay Dutt, who is currently out on a 30-day parole from Yerawada jail, has submitted an application to the Pune divisional commissioner seeking a 30-day extension of his parole citing his wife Maanyata’s illness.
Maanyata, who has been reportedly suffering from heart and liver ailments, was admitted to Global Hospital in Parel (Mumbai) on Tuesday after her health deteriorated.
Dutt, who had surrendered in May after the Supreme Court’s confirmation of his conviction in the 1993 serial blasts case for illegal possession of weapons, is serving the remaining 42 months of his five-year sentence. He has already served 18 months of the sentence. He was shifted to Yerawada jail on May 21.
Dutt has been out on parole since December 21. Before the current parole, Dutt was out on a 28-day furlough.
Prison officials said an inmate was eligible for a one-time extension in the parole. Officials at the divisional commissionerate said Dutt’s application was received on January 4 and that he said his wife Maanyata had been ill. The application was forwarded to the assistant commissioner of police of Bandra in Mumbai with queries on January 8.
The queries, according to an officer, are whether the reason cited by Dutt is true, if he has been regularly reporting to the police or not, and if he has been involved in any illegal activity during his parole. A decision on the application will be taken by the divisional commissioner after the report is received from the police.
It may be recalled that Dutt’s parole had kicked up a controversy and Home Minister R R Patil had ordered an inquiry into the matter.
Sanjay Dutt, who is currently out on a 30-day parole from Yerawada
jail, has submitted an application to the Pune divisional commissioner
seeking a 30-day extension of his parole citing his wife Maanyata’s
Maanyata, who has been reportedly suffering from heart and liver
ailments, was admitted to Global Hospital in Parel (Mumbai) on Tuesday
after her health deteriorated.
Dutt, who had surrendered in May after the Supreme Court’s
confirmation of his conviction in the 1993 serial blasts case for
illegal possession of weapons, is serving the remaining 42 months of his
five-year sentence. He has already served 18 months of the sentence. He
was shifted to Yerawada jail on May 21.
Dutt has been out on parole since December 21. Before the current parole, Dutt was out on a 28-day furlough.
Prison officials said an inmate was eligible for a one-time extension
in the parole. Officials at the divisional commissionerate said Dutt’s
application was received on January 4 and that he said his wife Maanyata
had been ill. The application was forwarded to the assistant
commissioner of police of Bandra in Mumbai with queries on January 8.
The queries, according to an officer, are whether the reason cited by
Dutt is true, if he has been regularly reporting to the police or not,
and if he has been involved in any illegal activity during his parole. A
decision on the application will be taken by the divisional
commissioner after the report is received from the police.
It may be recalled that Dutt’s parole had kicked up a controversy and
Home Minister R R Patil had ordered an inquiry into the matter.
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Sanjay Dutt, who is currently out on a 30-day parole from Yerawada
jail, has submitted an application to the Pune divisional commissioner
seeking a 30-day extension of his parole citing his wife Maanyata’s
Maanyata, who has been reportedly suffering from heart and liver
ailments, was admitted to Global Hospital in Parel (Mumbai) on Tuesday
after her health deteriorated.
Dutt, who had surrendered in May after the Supreme Court’s
confirmation of his conviction in the 1993 serial blasts case for
illegal possession of weapons, is serving the remaining 42 months of his
five-year sentence. He has already served 18 months of the sentence. He
was shifted to Yerawada jail on May 21.
Dutt has been out on parole since December 21. Before the current parole, Dutt was out on a 28-day furlough.
Prison officials said an inmate was eligible for a one-time extension
in the parole. Officials at the divisional commissionerate said Dutt’s
application was received on January 4 and that he said his wife Maanyata
had been ill. The application was forwarded to the assistant
commissioner of police of Bandra in Mumbai with queries on January 8.
The queries, according to an officer, are whether the reason cited by
Dutt is true, if he has been regularly reporting to the police or not,
and if he has been involved in any illegal activity during his parole. A
decision on the application will be taken by the divisional
commissioner after the report is received from the police.
It may be recalled that Dutt’s parole had kicked up a controversy and
Home Minister R R Patil had ordered an inquiry into the matter.
See more at: