For those who do not like to wear lipstick or would like to achieve a natural look when using makeup, lip gloss is a great way to brighten your smile, face, and skin without heavy coverage. Before applying lip gloss, pay attention to the kind of lip gloss you are about to apply. Always choose good quality glosses, so they do not cake or build up around your lips in the middle of the day. Lastly, choose a lip gloss that has some subtle shade in it, preferably one that provides moisture and protection.
How to Apply Lip Gloss-Tips for Women
in: Beauty Tips Tips womens
How to Apply Lip Gloss-Tips for Women,
For those who do not like to wear lipstick or would like to achieve a natural look when using makeup, lip gloss is a great way to brighten your smile, face, and skin without heavy coverage. Before applying lip gloss, pay attention to the kind of lip gloss you are about to apply. Always choose good quality glosses, so they do not cake or build up around your lips in the middle of the day. Lastly, choose a lip gloss that has some subtle shade in it, preferably one that provides moisture and protection.
For those who do not like to wear lipstick or would like to achieve a natural look when using makeup, lip gloss is a great way to brighten your smile, face, and skin without heavy coverage. Before applying lip gloss, pay attention to the kind of lip gloss you are about to apply. Always choose good quality glosses, so they do not cake or build up around your lips in the middle of the day. Lastly, choose a lip gloss that has some subtle shade in it, preferably one that provides moisture and protection.
The best way to achieve a smooth look on your lips is by gently
exfoliating them. The skin on your lips is gentle, so avoid using any
exfoliators that are meant for your facial skin. A lip exfoliator can be
easily made at home using sugar. Moisten your lips lightly with water
and rub a tiny amount of sugar on your lips using your index finger.
Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before doing this. You can
repeat as often as necessary and do not forget to exfoliate the upper
part of your lips. Be careful to exfoliate very gently and slowly.
Afterwards, wash off the sugar with warm water.
After exfoliating your lips, give the skin a few minutes to
recover. During this time, apply a lip moisturizer that is infused with
vitamins or sunblock (if you are going out in the daytime). A great,
cheap moisturizer is petroleum jelly. Make sure to let the moisturizer
sit on your lips for a while, and avoid any plumping moisturizers that
use mint. Depending on your level of sensitivity, these may irritate
your newly exfoliated lips.
The best tool for applying lip gloss or lipstick is an
applicator brush. An applicator brush is a small brush that looks like a
miniature paintbrush. Use an applicator brush that has diagonal, hard
bristles. The shape of the bristles will help you apply the lip gloss
evenly and move with control over the contours of your lips. If you do
not have an applicator brush, just use the tip of your pinky finger.
Make sure you have washed your hands thoroughly.
Choosing the right shade is paramount to getting the right look.
Generally, makeup experts recommend using certain colors for daytime
and others for nighttime. As a rule, light, subtle colors should be used
for daytime. The shade of color will also depend on your skin tone and
age. In addition, choose a shade that does not interfere with the rest
of your makeup or clothes. For instance, if you are wearing heavy eye
powder or a very bright shirt or dress, it is best to choose a shade of
lip gloss that is very subtle and earthy. If you are not wearing bright
jewelry, makeup, or clothing, then you can choose a shade that stands
Not all lip gloss is colored, so you can easily get around that
by applying a thin layer of your favorite lipstick. Some people suggest
putting eye-powder on your lips to achieve color, but this can result in
caking later on. The best, non-intrusive shades are made by CoverGirl,
their Outlast Lipstain markers can be applied under the lip gloss and
they do not produce caking and the color lasts a long time. As these
markers come in a variety of different shades, use the lighter shades in
the daytime and then use the darker shades (like red) at night.
After you have applied your lip color, you can move on to the
lip gloss application. You can choose to start from either the upper lip
or the bottom lip, although many makeup artists begin with the upper
lip. Always start from the middle when applying the lip gloss and then
work your way to the edges of the lips. Avoid dabbing your makeup tool
with too much gloss; apply very small amounts at a time. The point here
is to avoid layering too much product on the lips.
It is inevitable that when applying lip gloss, an excess will
spill onto the side of your face. Dab a piece of tissue paper with witch
hazel (a natural remedy that can be found at most drug stores) and
gently wipe off any excess gloss. If you find that you have applied too
much lip gloss in general, simply press your lips down on a piece of
tissue paper. When it comes to any makeup, less is more.
After applying the lip gloss and dabbing off the excess, check
the shade in a well-lit room. If it is daytime and if it is possible,
stand next to a window with a hand mirror and look at yourself under a
natural light. Oftentimes, the lighting can make some shades appear
completely different from what they really are. The best light to use
with makeup application is a white light, such as an OttLite.
If you find that you are unsatisfied with the shade, then you
can remove the lip gloss and begin the process all over again. The only
thing you should not do over is the exfoliation, as that can really
irritate the lips. To gently remove the color, dab a tissue with witch
hazel (or other makeup remover that is safe for your lips) and remove
the lip gloss.
Once you are satisfied with the results, try not to layer on any
lip gloss. However, throughout the day you may reapply lip gloss as it
tends to wear off when eating or drinking. Only reapply the lip gloss,
and follow the same steps above; use a makeup tool and only dab on a
little. The objective is to achieve a natural, even, cake-free look.
Lip gloss is a very versatile makeup solution. It is great for
achieving an instant boost to your look without applying too much
makeup. There are many lip glosses to choose from, so you can even pick
one that includes a moisturizer. Burt's Bees sells many lip glosses that
double as both a light color application and a moisturizer. Choose a
color and lip gloss that is appropriate for the time of day and your
skin and age.
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