5 Things a Girl Should Know About Getting Her Period

5 Things a Girl Should Know About Getting Her Period, www.tarkaa.com
-www-tarkaa-com Getting your period is just one more sign that you are growing into a mature woman. On average, girls can expect their periods to begin anywhere from age eight to 16. When it comes to menstruation, there are options such as pads or tampons to help control the bleeding. This women's health topic can be embarrassing or exciting for a young woman.

Tell a Parent or a Trusted Adult

This can be both an exciting and frightening time in your life. Depending on the personality of your family, you may feel shy or excited to share the news of your menstruation. In some cases, you may be able to pull one person aside, explain what is happening, and ask for the appropriate supplies. If you don't feel comfortable telling an immediate family member that your period has started, you can seek help from another trusted adult. For example, a favorite teacher at school, or the school nurse.

Protect Clothing from Leaks

Although the period may be light at first, you will want to wear some form of protection. If this is your first cycle, you may be able to use a light pad or liner. Sometimes, a rolled up wad of toilet paper or tissues can work until you have access to better supplies. However, as the cycle gets heavier you will want other forms of protection. Options include pads, tampons, or even menstrual cups.

You Can Go Swimming

For many girls, the idea of swimming while in the middle of their period can seem intimidating. While there are no health risks associated with this action, you will want extra protection. If you are planning on entering the water, a pad may not be a sufficient option. To avoid bleeding into your swimsuit or the water, a tampon is a good choice for the pool. If the device has been inserted properly, it will not fall out when you swim.

Using a Tampon

If you feel comfortable inserting a tampon, this can be a great option. For example, a tampon will allow you to go swimming and take part in other activities without worrying about leaks. You can choose to use either a plastic or a cardboard applicator, although plastic can allow the tampon to slide in more readily. If you don't want to ask a trusted adult for advice, each box will come with an instruction pamphlet. It is important to remember that there is a very small risk of the tampon getting stuck or lost inside of you, as it is attached to a long string.

Dealing with Blood Leaks Through Clothing

Depending on where you are, you can take certain measures to prevent the leak from getting worse. For example, if you are at the mall or a movie theater, you can use some rolled up toilet paper to help catch the blood. Both sanitary napkins and tampons can be purchased at places like a grocery store or even a gas station. If you are wearing a jacket or other layer that can be removed, you can use it to tie around your waist. The stained clothing should be placed in cold water as soon as possible, and it may take more than one cycle to remove the stain.
If you have just gotten your period, it is normal to feel nervous and excited, as this is a sign that you are becoming a healthy woman. You should tell a trusted adult, whether it's a family member or another individual. Don't be shy about asking for the proper supplies or help when using them. You can choose to use tampons, liners, or pads to keep the blood from leaking onto your clothing.