Result of Annual PBTE Lahore 12 september 2014

Result of Annual PBTE Lahore 2014 Announced,
Watch PBTE Lahore Annual Result 2014: Online PBTE Lahore Part first, second Year Annual Exams Result 2014 reported. PBTE Lahore Diploma Program Annual Exams Result 2014 is required to proclaim on twelfth of September 2014. PBTE Lahore First Annual Exams result will additionally be transferred here instantly after its report by the Official Body. Part I, II First Annual Exams 2014 was held in the month of June 2014. Presently, PBTE Lahore is going to report this exam come about at the earliest opportunity. implies Diploma in trade which is a 2 year system or recognition are held the supervision of PBTE Annual Basis. Punjab Board of Technical Education Lahore is dependable to give the online Result of such recognition.

Result is normal on twelfth September 2014:

PBTE like as Punjab Board of Technical Education Lahore was built in 1971. This Board mean to give proficient or experience degree to their understudies. PBTE Lahore has effectively advanced in the Punjab Province. The Board offers business, specialized and professional instruction beneath degree level in different fields furthermore gives the declarations and certificate to applicants who pass the Exams. Punjab Board of Technical Education Lahore issues the Annual Date Sheet for exams Part first, second very nearly one prior month the yearly exams and after the fulfillment of exams timetable. It is additionally mindful to give these exams come about on time. Thousand of understudies have showed up in the First Annual Exams 2014 under the supervision of PBTE Lahore and every one of them are presently urgently holding up for the aftereffect of such exams. So they can undoubtedly arrive at on their result just after click on the given beneath connections. Click and watch online PBTE Lahore Annual Exams Result 2014.
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Result of Annual PBTE Lahore 2014 Announced,