NAT Test Result & Answer Keys Announced of 21 September 2014

 See National Aptitude 21 September 2014 Test Result proclaimed on 27th Sep 2014. NTS NAT 21st September 2014 Test is going to publish soon. Check here NAT 21st September 2014 online Result and Answer Keys which is going to broadcast on Saturday 27 September 2014 by NTS. Beforehand, National Testing Service in Pakistan has taken the NAT Test in the month of September 2014. Presently, NTS is authoritatively capable to give the NAT 21 Test come about on 27th September 2014. National Aptitude Test is taking for affirmation in NTS Associated Universities or Dais Degree recompensing Institutes. All the hopefuls who have showed up in NAT September 2014 Test now they are holding up excitedly to see their result as quickly as time permits.
National Aptitude Test Result:

Test Date: Sunday, 21st September 2014
Result Date: Saturday, 27 September 2014

National Aptitude Test Result will be published by the NTS. National Aptitude Test is a decent opportunity to get section in Associate Universities or Dais Degree Awarding Institution. NTS NAT Test Candidates will be obliged to request confirmation in the Universities according to their particular reports alongside a duplicate of the NTS result card. Result will be transferred here soon so stay associated with and get come about promptly.