Understudy Alert!
The Government of Pakistan has launched Prime Minister's Laptop Scheme to appropriate laptops among the adolescent and brilliant understudies concentrating on in any open part advanced education founds the nation over. The plan is one of the activities propelled under the Prime Minister's Youth Program 2013-14.
Amid not long from now, 100,000 laptops will be appropriated among the understudies according to characterized criteria of the proclaimed plan which is accessible at HEC.
Information of qualified understudies is constantly overseen online and an approval procedure is created for the understudies, who are obliged to approve their records, to be qualified for the honor of smart phone. On the off chance that the information of any understudy is lost in this entryway, they may stop their protests and the dissentions will be alluded to the central individual of the particular college, who has the right to gain entrance to purpose such issues.
Last date for approving information:
September 30, 2014 – for understudies mulling over in Phd/ Mphil/ MS (or comparable)
October 31, 2014 – for understudies mulling over in Bachelors or Masters (16 year) degree program

It has been recognized that the understudies are not accepting their records as accessible at http://pmnis.hec.gov.pk which is creating postpones in appropriation arranging. For this reason, understudies are exhorted that the last date for approving their information is September 30, 2014 for understudies mulling over in Phd/ Mphil/ MS (or identical) and for understudies examining in Bachelors or Masters (16 year) degree system is October 31, 2014. Understudies who don't accept their record inside the stipulated time may not be considered as qualified for the said scheme.
Project Director (PMNLS)
E-Mail: pmnIs@hec.gov.pk
Phone: 051 — 90402200-01
H-9 Islamabad, Pakistan
Latest Free Laptop Scheme about Prime Minister’s, www.tarkaa.com
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