Former Vice President of Telenor Shaoib Baig Joins PTI

Former Vice President of Telenor Shaoib Baig Joins PTI ,

Muhammad Shoaib Baig, who as of late ventures down from his position from Telenor, has authoritatively declared to join Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

"I am joining PTI on the call of my pioneer Imran Khan to remained up for our rights and say NO to treachery everlastingly – inshallah together we will make Naya Pakistan!", Shaoib was cited as saying in an overhaul posted by PTI's official Facebook page.
Shoaib stayed Boss HR Officer and VP of Telenor Pakistan from February 2011 to August 2014.

Shaoib Baig selected governmental issues as opposed to convey forward the routine profession to turn into the first official from Telecom industry of Pakistan to formally examine legislative issues as a vocation.

Shaoib brings along a far reaching human administration and advancement abilities from top provincial and worldwide enterprises like Telenor Pakistan, Unilever and British American Tobacco.

Not to be said, Asad Umar, previous Chief and President of Engro, joined Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in 2012 to set the point of reference for experts and business executives to wind up part of nation's political biological community.

Supposedly, Asad Umar is gathering experts from distinctive segments to join PTI and it is likely that more officials may join PTI in impending weeks.

Alongside other positive results, Shoaib's association in legislative issues will help the administration comprehend telecomm part a considerable measure better than it does now.

We have seen an eminent separate between government rounds and new innovations that damages the business as well as mark's our national economy with a sizeable negative effect. With working experts joining legislative issues, we can anticipate that this circumstance will change decidedl.
Former Vice President of Telenor Shaoib Baig Joins PTI ,