- HEC recognized, Rated in highest category
- Highly Affordable
- Nationwide presence
- 2 year Bachelor Programs:
- B.Sc (Computer Science)
- B.Sc (Math & State & Eco)
- B.com
- BA (Psychology)
- BA (Mass Communication)
- BA
- 4 Year Programs:
- BS (Computer Science)
- BS (Information Technology)
- BS (Software Engineering)
- BS (Accounting and Finance)
- BS (Commerce)
- BS (Banking and Finance)
- BS (Business Administration)
- BS (Marketing)
Admission Open In Virtual University 2 and 4 Year Bachelor Programs 2014-15
in: Admissions How To
VU Virtual University of
Pakistan has started admission in 4 year Bachelor Programs and also 2
Year Bachelor Program for the years of 2014 or 2015. Apply
online in the University of Virtual Pakistan in the Bachelor 2 & 4
Year Programs. Virtual University Pakistan Admission Open now in 2 or 4
Years Bachelor Programs for the session 2014 to 2015.
Admission Open:
Form more information see in the given picture.
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Usman is the founder of Tarka Pk .He is a SEO Expert, Web Designer and a Pro Blogger. Contact Him Here
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