Watch Mera Sultan Episode 345 online HD 8th August 2014 On Geo Kahani

Watch Mera Sultan Episode 345 online 8th August 2014 On Geo Kahani,
Geo Kahani drama Mera Sultan is a Turkish drama and it dubbed in Urdu. The drama is based on bravery and beauty. At age twenty-six, when his time in power started, Sultan Süleyman sought to make an empire more powerful & wider than Alexander the Great and to render the Ottomans unbeatable. The story of this drama is very interesting and good.

Mera Sultan is a prime time historical Turkish soap opera television series. It was originally broadcast on Show TV and then transferred to Star TV. It is based on the life of Suleiman the Magnificent, the longest reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and his wife Hürrem Sultan, a slave girl who became Sultana. 
 Watch Mera Sultan Episode 345 online 8th August 2014 On Geo Kahani,