Mathira Expecting Her First Child

Mathira Expecting Her First Child,

Its a confirmed news from Agha Khan Management that mathira is expecting a baby as she visited the hospital few weeks back for her check up.

Renowned VJ / RJ / Celebrity Mathira got pregnant and is under treatment to prevent a bogus birth of a youngster. Upon asking of her husband name and identity she said that she is been married since a year but never disclose that infront of Media.

She further added "her husband is not a pakistani nor a celebrity". The source also confirmed that she visited the hospital alone with no person besides her. It is also confirmed from the medical center’s documents that Ms. Mathira was confessed in the gynecology ward between 6th - 7th of October and she’s been managed by Dr. Uzma Pasha for undefined medical factors. Well GOD knows what will happen, but the lady sound contended with what she is having.