How To Offer Eid-ul-Fitr Nimaz

Hanafai way is to do Namaz with 6 added takbeers. Eid namaz is 2 rakkats and here is how it goes.

First Rakat
: When Imam said first takbeer, you raise you hands till your ear and drop them back (do not fold them as we do in regular namaz after takbeer). Imam is going to say takbeer again and you raise your hands till your ears and drop them back. Do it again 3rd time. When imam said the takbeer for the 4th time, you raise your hand and fold them. At that time, you will do sanaa and Imam is going to start Qirat. Rest of the rakat will end as any regular rakat. SO Rest of the rakat will end as any regular rakat

2nd Rakat: Imam will get up from the sajda of previous rakat and start the qirat. After the end of Qirat, he will say takbeer. Instead of going into ruku, you will raise you hands till your ear and drop them back. He will say takbeer 2 more times and you will do the same. When he would say it for the 4th time, you go to Ruku and rest of the rakat will end as any regular rakat. Rest of the rakat will end as any regular rakat, but you dinsihed the 2nd one also with 3 additional Takbeer.