Earlier, the actor had to shed some kilos while shooting for Prawal Raman's next project. Now, he has been asked to gain 10 kgs in a month.
"When Sajid saw me, he realised that I was looking lean and he did not want my character to look like that in his film. I will have to work really hard and put on 10 kg in such less time. It is quite a task to continuously lose and gain weight. I will have to make changes in my diet and workout regime to do justice to the character," Randeep said.
'Kick', which marks the directorial debut of Sajid Nadiadwala, is a remake of a 2009 Telugu hit of the same name.
The film also features Jacqueline Fernandez, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Mithun Chakraborty, Archana Puran Singh and others.
'Kick' has been locked for release on Eid this year (July 27).
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